Stormblood - Ultimate

The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate)

Materia Ultimate Raiding


Written Guide by Em’gram Toolboxes by MUR PoVs by Kur Rumi

Table of Contents

  1. Toolboxes
  2. Waymarks
  3. PoV Videos
  4. Macros
  5. Buff Timings
  6. Written Guide
    1. Awakening
    2. Phase 1: Garuda
    3. Phase 2: Ifrit
    4. Phase 3: Titan
    5. Phase 4: Lahabread Intermission
    6. Phase 5: Ultima Weapon
    7. Phase 5.1: Ultimate Predation
    8. Phase 5.2: Annihilation
    9. Phase 5.3: Suppression
    10. Phase 5.4: Roulette


Toolboxes are an interactive guide that allows you to click through each phase indiviudally and review the mechanics in a easy to understand manner. UWU has multiple Toolboxes, each are listed here in order of phases in the fight.

Garuda Ifrit Titan Lahabrea Predation Annihilation Suppression


These can be imported using an XIV Launcher Plugin.


PoV Videos

by Kur Rumi

DPS Healer Tank


View All Macros

Macro 1

[Mistral Song]
■ - Healers East, ST Intercepts
■ - D1, D2, ST take 2 Thermal Low stacks
■ - D1 1st cleanse
■ - D2 2nd cleanse
■ - ST Mesohigh cleanse
[Wicked Wheel + Mistral Song]
■ - Center Garuda, Party Intercardinal
■ - MT > Anti-clockwise from 12 o'clock
■ - ST > Clockwise from 1 o'clock
[Mesohigh tethers]
■ - D4 East | ST West

Macro 2

           4   IFRIT  3
     2                            1
D3                                D4
■ - Pull Ifrit to 3rd/4th Nail on intercardinal after nails

Macro 3

■ - Priority D1>D2>ST>H1>H2>D3>D4
[Weight of the Land + Awoken Landslides]
■ - Party moves clockwise
■ - First enmity Tank moves anti-clockwise

Macro 4

[Beyond Limits]
■ - D4 > H1 > D1
■ - Line up in Supression spots during transition
■ - 2-2-1-1 Orb Soak
[Aetheric Boom]
■ - Tanks > Southwest
■ - Party > Southeast
[Primal Roulette]
■ - 1st Primal -> MT 90
■ - 2nd Primal -> D3 Mit
■ - 3rd Primal -> ST 90
■ - If Titan first, remember to move back to north for Ifrit

Buff Timings

2-Minute Windows

  • Garuda opener
  • Ifrit opener
  • If you skip ifrit dashes, post gaols; if you do not skip ifrit dashes, start of titan
  • Ultima opener
  • During Annihilation
  • Save final set in primal roulette for potion and 1 minutes during the 2nd primal

Pot Windows

  • Ifrit reopener
  • Ultima reopener
  • During 2nd primal during primal roulette when 1 minutes come off cooldown

Written Guide

This page is currently a work-in-progress, some sections are incomplete. We hope to have this finished soon.

The Weapons Refrain is a multi-phase fight that covers an alternative retelling of the Warrior of Light’s fight against the Primals and the Ultima Weapon.

This fight is commonly referred to as UWU for Ultima Weapon: Ultimate, and frankly I agree its a better abbreviation than TWR too…

The fight will see you squaring off against Garuda, Ifrit and Titan before completing a LB3-filled intermission with Lahabrea before facing the Ultima Weapon itself, angrier than ever.

This guide is based off the original and very detailed guide by Clees, which can be found below:

Clees Guide


Throughout the first 3 phases, you will be aiming to complete special requirements to Awaken all three primals, once awoken their mechanics may change and they will drop a puddle (Candy) when they die, this must be picked up in a specific order, these will give you extra LB3’s later which are required to clear the fight.

Healer (Garuda) > Caster (Ifrit) > Melee (Titan)

Phase 1: Garuda


Important Mechanics

Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. Garuda will make a shriek sound and without any castbar, feathers will drop on all players, this will happen many times during the fight.

Friction garuda casts a small heavy Soak on a single target, applying friction to anyone hit who is outside the Spiny Plume Bubble. Party needs to be tightly stacked.

Slipstream A heavy hitting cleave attack targetted at the Tank, this can be dodged as the boss will not turn once the cast begins. A dodge-able cleave, be careful not to face this into the party.

Downburst Heavy hitting tankbuster requiring mitigation. A heavy physical Tankbuster which will require mitigation.

This summary is written to accompany the above toolbox, use it as a reference.

The phase starts with the MT Main Tank, typically the Tank holding the boss aggro the most. pulling boss to mid and facing boss north. DPS should be behind boss and OT Off Tank, the other tank. and Healers stay east with the OT Off Tank, the other tank. between Healers and the boss. One Healer will get Mistral Song Garuda targets players with a Green Marker, then either Garuda or Clones will launch a line AoE dealing more damage to the first player hit. , the boss will send a ranged attacked to Healers and OT Off Tank, the other tank. will soak the hit with Healers (first hit takes more damage)


Multiple Plumes will spawn around the arena. OT Off Tank, the other tank. needs to grab the Spiny plume and be ready for heavy damage.

STOP AOE Area-of-Effect, typically used to describe any mechanic or ability which affects multiple enemies/players in an area. IMMEDIATELY. The Spiny plume will become fixated on the first person to deal damage to it, this MUST be the OT Off Tank, the other tank. .

Once the plumes have gathered on the party, AOE Area-of-Effect, typically used to describe any mechanic or ability which affects multiple enemies/players in an area. them down leaving the Spiny plume with some health left (aim for 25%ish).

After Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. , wait for OT Off Tank, the other tank. to take second hit from Spiny Plume, then kill the spiny plume to spawn a bubble, party can then move into this ready for cleanses.


The following is a mechanic where we will take turns to gain and cleanse Friction stacks by entering and leaving bubble, the order is very precise and required to be able to clear the fight, if you fail the order but survive the mechanic, you will fail later mechanics. You will gain Friction stacks if you are outside the bubble when Friction hits you. You will lose friction stacks when you enter the bubble dealing a heavy raidwide damage.

You must have two stacks of friction before the Spiny Plume dies, you gain this from the heavy attack from the Spiny Plume.

  • Kill spiny plume, everyone except OT Off Tank, the other tank. move into bubble.
  • After Raidwide, OT Off Tank, the other tank. enter bubble and cleanse stacks.
  • OT Off Tank, the other tank. and Melee leave bubble and wait outside.
  • Friction 1: Heavy party damage, Stacks applied to OT Off Tank, the other tank. and Melee, Party leaves bubble.
  • Friction 2: Heavy party damage, Stacks applied to everyone, Party leaves bubble.
  • Wait for party to be healed, First Melee cleanses stacks (Enter and exit bubble)
  • Wait for party to be healed, Second Melee cleanses stacks (Enter and exit bubble)

This is one of the biggest damage checks in this phase, use your big mits/CDs and don’t be afraid to spam heal.

Stay relatively stacked during this mechanic, friction is a small range and can miss people if you are too spread out.

If you did this mechanic correctly, the boss will now have 3 stacks of awakened. The last stack to Awaken the boss will apply later.


Party to stack on Waymark 4, Mistral Song Garuda targets players with a Green Marker, then either Garuda or Clones will launch a line AoE dealing more damage to the first player hit. will target two non-tanks from sisters. MT Main Tank, typically the Tank holding the boss aggro the most. and OT Off Tank, the other tank. dodge Wicked Wheel ( PBAOE Point-Blank Area-of-Effect, usually an enemy ability that causes a large AOE damage area centered on the enemy. ) and stand on a cardinal in-front of each sister against edge of blue circle, intercepting one of the Mistral Song Garuda targets players with a Green Marker, then either Garuda or Clones will launch a line AoE dealing more damage to the first player hit. s each.

Tanks will need to make sure they intercept one of the Twins each, there are a few different ways commonly used to solve this, communicate with your cotank to make sure you understand which method your using to solve it.

  • MT Main Tank, typically the Tank holding the boss aggro the most. Prioritize North first
  • OT Off Tank, the other tank. Prioritize South first
  • If they spawn East/West, MT takes West, OT takes East


  • MT Main Tank, typically the Tank holding the boss aggro the most. CW from North
  • OT Off Tank, the other tank. CCW from West

Generally you can kinda use-eyes and solve the positions pretty fast, suggest staying near the middle of the room to allow fast adjustments.

After Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. , Party and Tanks to dodge Tornadoes (Spawning on tank locations) and then group up in mid.

If Tornadoes are on SOUTH and EAST, ranged can dodge out towards wall for safety.


Second plumes spawn, wait for them to gather and AOE Area-of-Effect, typically used to describe any mechanic or ability which affects multiple enemies/players in an area. them down as fast as possible. OT Off Tank, the other tank. takes WEST Tether, Caster take EAST Tether, walk Tether to edge of blue circle. Heavy Raidwide and Downburst Heavy hitting tankbuster requiring mitigation. on MT Main Tank, typically the Tank holding the boss aggro the most. , followed by Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. .

Party stack behind Garuda and burn down the boss, you should phase at this point.

If you don’t phase, you will need to look out for Wicked Wheel, a quick donut/ AOE Area-of-Effect, typically used to describe any mechanic or ability which affects multiple enemies/players in an area. dodge, followed by repeated mechanics.

Enrage Timer is 2:55

When you kill Garuda, DPS and Tanks stack middle, Healer grab the Glowing Puddle (Candy) for later.

Phase Rotation
  • Slipstream
  • Mistral Song
  • Satin Plume x4 + Spiny Plume Spawn
  • Slipstream
  • Downburst
  • Feather Rain
  • Mistral Shriek
  • Friction
  • Friction
  • Feather Rain
  • Aerial Blast
  • Sisters Spawn
  • Feather Rain (Sisters)
  • Eye of the Storm + Mistral Song x2
  • Wicked Wheel
  • Feather Rain
  • Satin Plume x4 Spawn
  • Eye of the Storm
  • Slipstream
  • Mesohigh x2 + Downburst
  • Feather Rain
  • Slipstream
  • Wicked Wheel + Wicked Tornado
  • Downburst
  • Slipstream
  • Feather Rain
  • Aerial Blast (Enrage)

Phase 2: Ifrit


Important Mechanics

Incinerate Untelegraphed Tankbuster, Triple tankbuster with no broadcast, typically use invlun, darkness damage. Untelegraphed Tankbuster, Triple tankbuster with no broadcast, typically use invlun, darkness damage.

Searing Wind One of the two healers will be targetted with a debuff, this will last for some time and cause periodic explosions around you, anyone caught in this will die. One of the two healers will be targetted with a debuff, this will last for some time and cause periodic explosions around you, anyone caught in this will die. When you have this, watch the debuff and ensure you are out of the party stack.

Vulcan Burst Large Low-Damage AOE with knockback, needs to be mitigated by applying shields. Large Low-Damage AOE Area-of-Effect, typically used to describe any mechanic or ability which affects multiple enemies/players in an area. with knockback, needs to be mitigated by applying shields.

Eruptions Ifrit will target the furthest players and cast a series of large explosions Ifrit will target the furthest players and cast a series of large explosions, these will be baited by ranged players and need to be baited away from the party. During Nails, you will use these to buff the nails for awakening.

Start the phase by stacking mid, orient to face Ifrit and dodge left or right based on safe-spot (use sprint if you need more time to identify the safe spot).

Shield Healer prepare for Vulcan Burst Large Low-Damage AOE with knockback, needs to be mitigated by applying shields. with shields and Tanks prepare for Incinerate Untelegraphed Tankbuster, Triple tankbuster with no broadcast, typically use invlun, darkness damage. with a invuln.


Four nails will spawn, orient yourself so the closest two nails are north. One Healer will get Searing Wind One of the two healers will be targetted with a debuff, this will last for some time and cause periodic explosions around you, anyone caught in this will die. , take this to relative south and stay on the wall, top yourself up as necessary and focus boss.

OT will be tethered to a random DPS - try to stay close to them, but focus on nails/ifrit. This Tether will reduce damage done based on stacks and stacks increase with distance.

Ranged will split and bait Eruptions Ifrit will target the furthest players and cast a series of large explosions at SE and SW, moving up to hit each nail twice with a Eruptions Ifrit will target the furthest players and cast a series of large explosions , this will cause the nails to grow. Once the nails have been hit twice, destroy them in the following order.

The order that Infernal Nails are destroyed will determine the order of Ifrit’s Crimson Cyclone charges in a later phase (i.e. the first Crimson Cyclone comes from the same location as the first nail that was killed). This is a very tight DPS window and you will need to ensure you weaken the nails to ensure you can kill them quickly once they are fully grown.

If this is done correctly, the boss will now be awakened.

Get ready for heavy raidwides as Ifrit will use another set of

Tanks now pull the boss between the two raid markers closest to relative north set during nails against the wall. Ranged will go SE of relative north and begin baits for Eruptions Ifrit will target the furthest players and cast a series of large explosions rejoining the group counter-clockwise on the wall.

One Healer will get Searing Wind One of the two healers will be targetted with a debuff, this will last for some time and cause periodic explosions around you, anyone caught in this will die. , go to WEST relative party and wait for debuff to expire. Healer to rejoin party when debuff drops.

If DPS is good, you will phase just as the second healer gets Searing Wind One of the two healers will be targetted with a debuff, this will last for some time and cause periodic explosions around you, anyone caught in this will die. . Second Searing Wind One of the two healers will be targetted with a debuff, this will last for some time and cause periodic explosions around you, anyone caught in this will die. should be run-out of the party either south or east if you are about to skip dashes.


If you do not phase the boss, party to stack on boss, with second Searing Wind One of the two healers will be targetted with a debuff, this will last for some time and cause periodic explosions around you, anyone caught in this will die. healer opposite the party.

When Ifrit spawns, rotate if needed to ensure you have empty spot to your right (No ifrit), you will see one ifrit glowing. If this is on a cardinal relative to party, you will dodge 2 places to the right, otherwise just one.

Kill the boss as quickly as you can after, there will be more Eruptions Ifrit will target the furthest players and cast a series of large explosions coming which you want to skip if possible.

Move to the wall, ready for Titan to spawn. After titan drops, Caster to grab the candy from where ifrit died.

Phase Rotation
  • Crimson Cyclone + Radiant Plumes
  • Hellfire
  • Vulcan Blast
  • Incinerate x3
  • Infernal Nail x4 Spawn
  • Inferno Howl
  • Eruption x2
  • Hellfire
  • Inferno Howl
  • Eruption x2
  • Crimson Cyclone (Cardinals)
  • Inferno Howl
  • Flaming Crush
  • Crimson Cyclone x4 (Woken)
  • Incinerate x3
  • Eruption x2
  • Flaming Crush
  • Hellfire (Enrage)

Phase 3: Titan


The following is written to accompany the diagrams in the above toolbox.

Important Mechanics

Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another.

  • Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another.

Landslides Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety.

  • Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety.

Geocrush Titan will turn to a cardinal and jump, crashing down at the side he was facing, Heavy distance AOE based on his landing location. Room will shrink in size.

  • Titan will turn to a cardinal and jump, crashing down at the side he was facing, Heavy distance AOE based on his landing location. Room will shrink in size.

Mountain Buster Heavy Tankbuster with Cleave

  • Heavy Tankbuster with Cleave


Fight starts with a heavy raidwide, healers will need to be prepared for this at the end of Ifrit.

MT takes boss mid and prepares for Mountain Buster Heavy Tankbuster with Cleave .

Following the Toolbox, party starts on A marker, dodges Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another. and prepares for Gaols.

Geocrush is very fast, Titan will start turning towards a cardinal and then jump, you MUST watch titan carefully to work out which cardinal he is jumping too. Tanks should always try move boss to the middle of the room before this happens otherwise it can be very difficult to tell which cardinal he is jumping too.

Granite Gaols

Party starts with a stack on Titan, check where the Bombs spawn at the back of the room, there are two possible combinations.

Use the boss target marker as a reference for where to stand.

After the knockback, AM will apply 1,2,3 markers to the people with Gaols.

Players without Gaols

  • Run up the middle until landslide spawns, then move to the left side of the room and stay out of the way.

Players with Gaols

  • Check your number and work out your target raidmarker. Use the central “+” of raidmarkes, with 1 being closest to Titan, 2 being middle and 3 being furthest from Titan.
  • Run up the middle until landslide spawns, sidestep to the edge of landslide next to your raidmarker.
  • As soon as the landslide graphic dissapears, immediately move towards your raidmarker. You should get stunned just as you arrive.
  • After jail explosions, exit to the left of your puddle immediately.

Gaols MUST be positioned in-line with the raidmarker. Ideally dead center otherwise the chain of explosions will fail.

If all three bombs puddles are correctly overlapping, Titan will gain a stacking Wakening buff and become Awoken. This will greatly increase the speed of mechanics and change their patterns throughout the fight.

Titan uses a set of 8 Tumults Raid-wide attack dealing moderate magic damage to all players. Usually happens multiple times in a row, in quick succession. and deals heavy party wide damage, healers will need to be ready for this and top-up any extra damage from Gaols.

The party can move up to Titan on the left side of the puddles. Your burst phase should be coming up at this point and if you skipped dashes in Ifrit, you can go ahead and use it here.


Party will stack on the Left Side looking at Titan, ready to move for Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another. . Dodge through Titan and prepare for Landslides Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety. . Each landslide set will now be immediately followed by a second set of Landslides Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety. between the first set.

Watch for the first set, as soon as you see the Landslide visual dissapear, you want to immediately move into the first set of landslides to avoid the second set. This is VERY fast.

Titan will once again face a direction and use Geocrush Titan will turn to a cardinal and jump, crashing down at the side he was facing, Heavy distance AOE based on his landing location. Room will shrink in size. .

After this, one healer will be targetted with a Granite Gaol. This healer should move to the middle of the room. Once the Gaol is active, the party will be able to target and damage the Gaol. Break the healer out of the Gaol before Titan begins a set of Landslides Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety. followed shortly by 6 Tumults Raid-wide attack dealing moderate magic damage to all players. Usually happens multiple times in a row, in quick succession. .

Tanks, position the boss at north facing the wall. Party should be stacked behind Titan in the middle of the room.

After the final Tumult, Titan will follow up with a Mountain Buster Heavy Tankbuster with Cleave combo and summon 4 bomb boulders in the center of the room. Party will be stacked behind the boss and immediately after the Mountain Buster Heavy Tankbuster with Cleave cleave, move through the boss and meet at the wall.

This is a modification of the mario kart strategy which allows some uptime.

Ranged and Healers will dodge clockwise along the wall, carefully dodging the Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another. and Landslides Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety. continuing clockwise around the room.

Tanks and Melee rotate counter-clockwise > clockwise > counter-clockwise for the Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another. . This will allow uptime while providing enough space to avoid Landslides Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety.

Keep in mind, if nobody in your group gets a weight, you will still need to move as if you’re dodging it.

If you’re having trouble staying alive as a melee, just follow ranged and do the strategy normally, or just keep moving counterclockwise (Right > Right > Right) to keep at least some uptime.

Avoid the bombs going off in the center.

The goal with this uptime strategy is for landslide to be baited on a ranged player, leaving a safe area behind titan.

Typically Titan will die around this point depending on your party damage. If you have not finished Titan you will get a few more repeated mechanics until a final enrage.

  • Mountain Buster Heavy Tankbuster with Cleave

  • Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another.

  • 8x Tumults Raid-wide attack dealing moderate magic damage to all players. Usually happens multiple times in a row, in quick succession.

  • Earthen Fury Enrage

If you have correctly awoken titan, he will drop a small candy puddle, this must be picked up by a Melee party member.

Phase Rotation
  • Geocrush
  • Earthen Fury
  • Rock Buster
  • Mountain Buster
  • Weight of the Land
  • Geocrush
  • Upheaval + Rock Throw
  • Granite Gaol x3
  • Landslide
  • Landslide
  • Tumult x8
  • Weight of the Land
  • Landslide
  • Geocrush
  • Granite Gaol (Healer)
  • Landslide
  • Tumult x6
  • Rock Buster
  • Mountain Buster
  • Rock Throw x4 (Middle) + Weight of the Land
  • Landslide
  • Rock Buster
  • Mountain Buster
  • Weight of the Land
  • Tumult x8
  • Earthen Fury (Enrage)

Phase 4: Lahabread Intermission

The following phase will be a set of 4x LB3 limit breaks, to complete this the players with the Beyond Limits collected in the previous phases can use their LB3 without consuming the party LB bar.

You can leave any dead party members on the ground if they dont have the Beyond Limits buff as they will get ressed for free in this phase without damage down debuff, EXCEPT if they are in the wall, they will need a healer res otherwise they will die immediately.

Caster LB3

Four ships/pillars crash dealing heavy proximity AOE, Healers will need to ensure party members are healed up for this. Party stack middle to avoid unnecessary deaths.

6 Magitech bits spawn on the outside of the arena, casting Self-Destruct. Use Caster LB3 in the middle of the room to destroy all the bits. Players should be hitting the bits as damage variance can leave these alives sometimes.

Use Caster LB3 when the freefire damage appears on your screen, the rest of the LBs can be used as soon as they are available.

Healer LB3

Lahabrea will cast blight, dropping all players to 1HP and applying Doom. Use Healer LB3 to dispell Doom and heal all players. This cannot be removed by normal dispell or healing to full.

Melee LB3

Lahabread becomes targettable and begins casting a instant-wipe Dark IV. Immediately use Melee LB3 to defeat Lahabrea and prevent the cast. You can pad here I guess?

Tank LB3

The Ultima Weapon will appear and cast Ultima to wipe the party. Tank will need to use LB3 to mitigate the damage, spam the LB3 button and activate it as soon as possible.

With all the LB3s complete, you will now begin the Ultima Weapon phases.

Phase 5: Ultima Weapon

The Ultima Weapon will spawn and use abilities absorbed from the primals. This includes a number of new mechanics.

During this phase Ultima will have a Duty Gauge bar that slowly fills up, this increases with Mechanics but also each death. When this bar fills ultima gains a massive Damage Up buff which will likely result in a wipe. Increases by 4 with some mechanics and 4 for each death.

  • Ultima Massive raidbuster dealing extremely heavy magic damage. Must be mitigated via the use of a Tank LB3. , Massive raidbuster dealing extremely heavy magic damage. Must be mitigated via the use of a Tank LB3.
  • Tank Purge Heavy Raidwide Magic Damage. , Heavy Raidwide Magic Damage.
  • Homing Lasers Very heavy tankbuster (~125k unimitigated) targeting the player with the second highest enmity, in a small circle around them. , Very heavy tankbuster (~125k unimitigated) targeting the player with the second highest enmity, in a small circle around them.
  • Viscous Aetheroplasm AOE Attack applying the Viscous Aetheroplasm debuff, which explodes after a short period of time for heavy magic damage that can be soaked with the party. , AOE Attack applying the Viscous Aetheroplasm debuff, which explodes after a short period of time for heavy magic damage that can be soaked with the party.
  • Diffractive Laser Tankbuster with no cast time dealing moderate magic damage. Cleaves. , Tankbuster with no cast time dealing moderate magic damage. Cleaves.
  • Aetheric Boom Knockback originating from Ultima hitting all players. Is accompanied by 4 sets of Aetheroplasms. , Knockback originating from Ultima hitting all players. Is accompanied by 4 sets of Aetheroplasms.

After consuming all Primals, Ultima begins the phase at the north of the room.

For optimal pot timing, listen to the game music, and use your pot when you hear the first Drumroll.

DPS and healers starts the phase stacked in the middle of the room. Open with burst phase and continue with damage

MT starts on the west side of ultima, with OT on the east. OT voke ultima on the first GCD, MT will then voke on second GCD to ensure that MT is TOP aggro and OT is second.

Ultima starts with Tank Purge Heavy Raidwide Magic Damage. . Ultima will then apply Viscous Aetheroplasm AOE Attack applying the Viscous Aetheroplasm debuff, which explodes after a short period of time for heavy magic damage that can be soaked with the party. to highest aggro (MT). Ensure the MT is NOT standing with the party as Viscous Aetheroplasm AOE Attack applying the Viscous Aetheroplasm debuff, which explodes after a short period of time for heavy magic damage that can be soaked with the party. is a small AOE. MT can then rejoin party.

This is followed by Homing Lasers Very heavy tankbuster (~125k unimitigated) targeting the player with the second highest enmity, in a small circle around them. on OT due to the tank swap, Kitchen Sink this due to heavy damage.

Ultima will begin one of three sub-phases, each with a passive and active set of mechanics. The first is Ultimate Predation.

Phase 5.1: Ultimate Predation

Passive Phase

Ultimate predation begins with a dodge mechanic, all primals and ultima will appear around the arena. You will need to find one of several safe-spots to survive this mechanic.

  • Ultima will performa a large AOE on one quadrant of the arena
  • Ifrit will execute a Crimso Cyclone covering all cardinals
  • Garuda will use a wicked wheel, covering almost half the arena.
  • Titan will appear on a cardinal and use an awoken landslide with two sets.

This mechanic can be very overwhelming but it is simplest to break it down into a few logical steps to resolve.

  1. First, look for garuda and avoid either cardinal on her side of the room, these are out-of-bounds.
  2. Run to either of the one or two possible safespots that do NOT have titan on them, take note of ultima weapon, as you will need to avoid it later.


  1. Wait at the wall, Titan will begin Landslides Multiple Line AOEs radiating out from boss, when Awakened, these will happen much faster and need to be dodged into for safety. , you may need to dodge these near the cardinal.
  2. After the first landslide, immediately dodge into a clear intercard, making sure not to dodge towards Ultima.
  3. When dodging into a intercard you MUST stop at the wall using the pattern on the outside of the room to stop at the 4th visible rune. See the image below:



Your final goal is to reach one of several possible safespots, some of the options are VERY tight so make sure you stay close to the wall and use the runes on the wall to find the safe spot accurately.

After the main mechs resolve, Garuda will perform another Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. , be ready to dodge this.

Active Phase

Ultima becomes targettable in the middle of the room. MT will grab aggro and pull ultima slightly northwest at A marker then join party stacking north on the visible second-line on the floor. Designate 2 ranged players to bait radiant plumes from Ifrit. Since there is no healing needed immediately, you can opt to have your usual caster stay put, or use the same baiters from phase 2.

Ultima hits the outside of the arena with radiant plumes. Boulders will be falling on the center, leaving you very little room between the plumes and boulders. Stay on the 2nd line and move out to the 2 marker as soon as plumes resolve. Titan is also baited to the southeast intercard as he drops at the furthest intercard from Ultima. This sets up Titan for consistent landslide pattern.

Landslide will be baited as soon as plumes resolve by moving north to the wall, then clockwise into the safe spot. Ultima will also cast a landslide, however only Titan’s will be awoken, hitting a 2nd time after Ultima’s landslide resolves. Titan’s landslide resolves, then Ultima’s landslide resolves. Titan readies an untelegraphed 2nd hit, party will need to dodge back to immediate north.

MT will go to the left side of Ultima (east), and the rest of the party will stack on the right (west) facing ultima. Ultima will cast a series of 7x Tumults Raid-wide attack dealing moderate magic damage to all players. Usually happens multiple times in a row, in quick succession. while the MT will be targetted for Viscous Aetheroplasm AOE Attack applying the Viscous Aetheroplasm debuff, which explodes after a short period of time for heavy magic damage that can be soaked with the party. and will need to take this away from the party. Once MT receives the aetherplasm, the tanks should swap aggro. This ensures that MT will take both the aetherplasm and the homing laser (as they are now 2nd aggro) and this will be taken with invuln. The timing for invuln is just after the upcoming scream for Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. .

Garuda and her sisters spawn, Garuda will use Mistral Shriek dealing heavy raidwide damage, followed by her sisters with two sets of Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. . This is very high damage output and healers will need to spend heavily to ensure the party survives. Party stay stacked together and dodge Feather Rain A loud shriek noise is followed by AOE hits on all players, listen for the sound and then move immediately after. by moving counter-clockwise around the boss. Being careful to avoid the tanks side of the boss.

Ultima will teleport to the north side of the arena. Stack tight on the SW side of where it will appear to prepare for Ultimate Annihilation.

Phase 5.2: Annihilation

Ultima will teleport to the North side of the arena. Stack up tight on the SW side of boss. For the most part, you will be dodging mechanics around the outside of its hitbox for this phase.

Phase starts with a series of Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another. . Party stacks together and dodges Right. Garuda will also cast eye of the storm on the edges of the arena, and tether a random player at this time. This will need to be taken away by one of your players with a Thermal Low stack. This will generally be your Phys Ranged.

Party Dodges back to the left for Weight of the Land Several large AOEs appear under all players one after another. , The dps with Thermal Low will take the tether South.

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Phase 5.3: Suppression

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Phase 5.4: Roulette

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