PF Strats


Video Guide


**Strategies & Notes** Experimental Fireplume

  • Pull boss north, party stack middle.

Darkened Fire

  • Bait Darkened Fires on intercardinals (using the square marking as a marker).
  • Standard clock with Tank/Healers rotating clockwise to their intercardinal. (MT/D4 -> NE, H2/D2 -> SE, ST/D1 -> SW, H1/D3 -> NW)
  • Use the numbered markers as bait points for numbers. (1/5 -> 1, 2/6 -> 2, 3/7 -> 3, 4/8 -> 4)
  • Attack the closest clockwise Fire to ensure all are killed.

Devouring Brand

  • If Big Red ball, NW priority.
  • If Small Red balls, NW/NE priority depending on where the first AOE lands.

Trail of Condemnation

  • Treat Phoinix as new north.
  • MT, H1, H2, ST north -> south, will be relative west.
  • D1, D2, D3, D4 north -> south, will be relative east.


  • MT, H1, D1, D3 assigned to N/W adds.
  • ST, H2, D2, D4 assigned to S/E adds.
  • 2 Tethers -> Across from your Sunbird then slightly clockwise.
  • 1 Tether -> Across from your player then slightly counter-clockwise.

Experimental Gloryplume

  • MT, ST, D1, D2, West to Northeast priority.
  • H1, H2, D3, D4, East to Southwest priority.
  • For spreads, D1, D2, H1, H2 will take the inner/middle arena as priority.

Fountain of Fire

Experimental Ashplume

  • H1, H2, D1, D2, starting North priority (moving 3->1).
  • MT, ST, D3, D4, starting South priority (moving 3->1).
  • For spreads, range will go out away from the boss. Melees can assume left/right spreads, facing the boss on their respective sides (D1/MT left and D2/ST right)

Storms of Asphodelos Inumaru - https://youtu.be/BHMjrxpZb7k?t=981 Tuufless - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/10898230/blog/4933610/ Myta - https://imgur.com/leXttey Elmo - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/843355000729501738/930353049392791553/unknown-1.webp

Darkblaze Twister

  • Searing Breeze baits from Darkfire Tornado, baiting clockwise.
  • Treat Darkfire Tornado as new north.
  • D1, D2, H1, H2 relative west knockback.
  • MT, ST, D3, D4 relative east knockback.



  • 1, 2, 3 and 4 are used for Darkened Fire.
 【Darkened Fire】  【Transition】
 D3/H1      D4/MT       MT▼D1
             ▲                      H1    D2
  D1/ST      D2/H2          H2 D3
 ※Destroy clockwise   ST  D4
     MTH1D1D3 -> N/W STH2D2D4 -> S/E
【Experimental Gloryplume - Spread】
   MT ST  ※ Explosions-Relative
  D1 ▲ D2              Stacks
  D3   D4 Melee: North (West)
   H1 H2  Ranged: South (East)
【Fountain of Fire】
  Start N or W:H1  MT→D1→D3
  Start S or E:H2  ST→D2→D4
【Firestorms of Asphodelos Stacks】
 Healer+Melee (N) Tank+Ranged (S)
【Firestorms of Asphodelos Spreads】
     Each group facing the boss
  D1 D2      MT ST
 H1   H2    D3   D4
【Darkblaze Twister】
     D1  ▼   ST
H1  ●  D2   MT  ●  D4
       H2                D3

Storms of Asphodelos Macro (Tuufless)

【Storms of Asphodelos】(Tuufless)
  ● MT+ST ●    
  D3     D4

Other Macros

Storms of Asphodelos Macro (Inumaru)

【Storms of Asphodelos】(Inumaru)
     MT ST
   H1  ▼   H2
   ● D1D4D2 ●

Storms of Asphodelos Macro (Myta)

【Storms of Asphodelos】(Myta)
      H1  ▼     H2   
  ●  D1D2D4   ●    

Storms of Asphodelos Macro (Elmo)

【Storms of Asphodelos】(Elmo)
  ●   MT+ST   ●  

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