Party Finder

Discover common terminology used in party finder descriptions.


Fresh In the Party Finder, "Fresh" denotes that it's a group's initial attempt at a specific encounter. You are welcome to join these groups regardless of your current progress level.
Prog "Progression" in the Party Finder this signifies that a group is actively working on mastering a particular mechanic within an encounter. Often, the mechanic's name is specified, like 'LC1 prog.' Feel free to join these groups if your progress matches or exceeds their current level.
Cleanup Within the Party Finder, "Cleanup" indicates a group's focus on refining their execution of a specific mechanic within an encounter. Like "Prog," this term may include the mechanic's name, such as 'LC1 cleanup.' You can join these groups if your progress aligns with theirs or is more advanced.
A2C "Aim-to-Clear" or "Advance-to-Clear" in the Party Finder this signifies a group that has successfully cleared all mechanics and is confident in their ability to achieve a clear. If you are not proficient in all fight mechanics, avoid joining these groups.
C41 "Clear-for-one" in the Party Finder this indicates that one member of the group has not yet obtained their clear and is seeking assistance to progress past challenging content. When joining these parties, it's reasonable to expect that you'll be contributing more than your fair share to ensure success. Occasionally, you might come across "C4N" parties, where 'N' represents any number greater than one. The overall concept remains the same, but it's advisable to exercise caution when joining such parties if you lack patience. Consider joining at your own discretion.
Reclear In the Party Finder, "Reclear" designates a group that has already cleared an encounter and is seeking to obtain weekly loot. If you haven't cleared the encounter yet or lack confidence in consistent clears, it's best not to join these groups.
Parse "Parse" in the Party Finder indicates a group that has cleared an encounter and is aiming to maximize their damage output. Only join these groups if you are confident in your clearing abilities; typically, they may also require the best-in-slot gear.


FFA "Free For All" is a loot rule where participants are allowed to roll freely on any item they desire. You can "Need" on everything without restrictions.
L>R "Left-to-Right" is a loot rule indicating that participants should roll "Need" on items in sequence from left to right. If you win a roll and receive an item, you are expected to exit the instance and refrain from rolling on additional items. This rule aims to ensure fair distribution of loot.
Any Chest "Any Chest" is not so much a loot rule as it is an invitation to join the group, irrespective of whether you've already obtained your weekly duty reward. Sometimes, you may see "1 chest" specified, which suggests that between 1 and 4 group members have already received their weekly reward. In such cases, it's advisable to ask the group leader if there's room for additional participants who have also received their reward for the week.
Book "Book" indicates that you are welcome to join the group, regardless of whether you've already collected your weekly duty reward. The key difference here is that no chests are expected to drop; the primary goal of joining such a party is to obtain your weekly book reward.

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