Another Aloalo Island

PF Strats

Boss 1

Video Guide

By Kobe

Boss 2

Video Guide

By Kobe

Boss 3

Video Guide

By Kobe


By Materia Raiding

Boss 1

■【Basic Positions】
 Melee : West Range : East
■【Spring Crystals】
  Stack: Yellow 1 › Blue 2
  Spread: All 2
■【Blowing Bubbles 1】
 Stack > Spread : NW/SE Support Stays, DPS follow outer bubble
 Spread > Stack : NW/SE Support, Stack Mid E/W
■【Blowing Bubbles 3】
 N (cw) ← THMR → W (ccw)
 Spread on same color WM
■【Angry Seas】※Anti-KB if Stack First
 DPS Middle Towers
 Single Tower Supp → Bubble

Boss 2

【Planar Tactics】
■ ■ ■ 3    
■ ■ ■
■ ■ 
2 2 1   ※2's flex
【Arcane Point】
Melee North (Arrow spawn side)
Range South

Boss 3

■【Spread】    ■【Darts 1】
    T          ※Tank Blue
  M   R        ※DPS Red › Melee Flex
    H          ※Healer Yellow
■【Darts 2】
DPS ←  ↑  → Support
※Enum dart adjusts


For Waymark import plugin

Boss 1

{"Name":"boss 1","MapID":979,"A":{"X":-0.075,"Y":0.0,"Z":-10.006,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":9.988,"Y":0.0,"Z":-0.065,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":0.003,"Y":0.0,"Z":9.987,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":-10.16,"Y":0.0,"Z":-0.524,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":-10.003,"Y":0.0,"Z":-10.068,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":9.998,"Y":0.0,"Z":-9.849,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":10.043,"Y":0.0,"Z":9.942,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":-9.999,"Y":0.0,"Z":9.958,"ID":7,"Active":true}}

Boss 2


Boss 3


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