Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage)

PF Strats


Toolboxes are an interactive guide that allows you to click through each phase indiviudally and review the mechanics in a easy to understand manner.

Scrambled Succession (Oppo/Xeno) Chimeric Succession (South Stack)


Oppo LC1 (PF Standard)

Using Oppo for Scrambled Succession (LC1) - compatible with Xeno

 D3  MT  D4  Pairs:DPS rotate CW
 H1  ● H2  KB:Colour WM
 D1  ST D2  
■【Scrambled Succession】- Oppo
 Party:5 》 7 》 1 》 3  Defamation: 1 》 3 》 5 》 7
 Tower:6 》 8 》 2 》 4 ※ Fire 45° ahead of party
■【Charybdis + Comet】
 DPS: Protean 》 Stack
 TH: Stack 》 Protean
 ※Protean on Colour WM towards Cyclone
 ※Comet Priority CW from North
■【Chimeric Succession】
 Odd: NW Even: NE wait: Middle No debuff: S
 ※ Bait defamation onto H1 H2 D3 D4

Note: Before the Chimeric Succession cast is complete, position tanks and melee (MT ST D1 D2) inside the boss hitbox and healers and ranged (H1 H2 D3 D4) outside the boss hitbox to bait 1-4 defamations. (edited) June 9, 2023

JP Intercard (Alternate)

JP Intercard LC

■ Scrambled Succession (Intercard LC1)
 Towers:6 → 8 → 2 → 4, Fire:2 → 4 → 6 → 8
 Blue:2x (Between 1+3) → 2x (Between 5+7)
 Fire:2x (Between 5+7) → 2x (Between 1+3)

Video comparison for Krile/Oppo/JP LC1


For import with Waymark Addon

Coloured WM to match up with fire/ice pairs and KB pairs



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