Anabaseios: The Twelth Circle (Savage) - Phase 1

PF Strats



By Pipiro Piro

Toolboxes are an interactive guide that allows you to click through each phase indiviudally and review the mechanics in a easy to understand manner.

P12S Toolbox - Phase 1


By Materia Raiding Discord

Phase 1

Macro - Tank Invuln + Light Left Red Right (LLRR)

■【1st Paradeigma】- Tank Invuln
■【2nd Paradeigma】
  Line Extend to Opposites Sides
  Tower Debuff - TH : CW, DPS : CCW
  ※ Tether End Point Relative
■【Super Chain Theory 1】
    D1 D2
  MT     ST    MT/D1      ST/D2
     ●          ●
  H1                H2    H1/D3       H2/D4
    D3 D4
 ※ Light Left Red Right ※ Use pair spread
 (R) Beam   (L) Beam   for AOE discard
 (L) Debuff (R) Debuff   location
■【3rd Paradeigma】
  North : 十 South : X W  MT>ST>H1>H2  E
  DPS Towers: Straight 》 Inside, Crossed 》 Outer
■【Limit Cut】
    2/4   ※Rotate CW
  5/7         6/8  to resolve Puddles
  ※Laser Order: 5/7 》 6/8 》 1/3 》 2/4
■【Super Chain Theory IIA】
    ST/D2   ※Use same spread as
  ●       【Super Chain Theory 1】

Macro Variation - Normal【1st Paradeigma】

■【1st Paradeigma】-  TH 1st, DPS 2nd

Macro Variation - White Debuff Right【Super Chain Theory 1】

■【Super Chain Theory 1】
    D1 D2
  MT     ST    MT/D1      ST/D2
     ●          ●
  H1                H2    H1/D3       H2/D4
    D3 D4
 ※ Black Left White Right ※ Use pair spread
 (W) Beam   (B) Beam     for AOE discard
 (B) Debuff   (W) Debuff   location

Macro - Limit Cut Reminder

■【Limit Cut】- Boss North
    2/4   ※Rotate CW
  5/7         6/8  to resolve Puddles
  ※Laser Order: 5/7 》 6/8 》 1/3 》 2/4


By Materia Raiding Discord

Phase 1




  • All super chain spreads are boss relative
  • 2nd Paradeigma is Tether End Point (Player) relative, not Angel relative
  • Super Chain Theory I has note to use pair spread for AOE discard location
  • 3rd Paradeigma is W to E priority for tanks and healers instead of N to S
  • Super Chain Theory IIA uses same *side pairs for 1st and 2nd if it is pairs** do not move to other side to pair spread after wing cleave - Can preposition & prevents clipping issues if moving is not synced

Video Guide by Kobe: Toolbox by Pipiro Piro:


By Materia Raiding Discord


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